Wellington, Fla. - January 6, 2021 - The Philadelphia Urban Riding Academy (PURA) is pleased to be launching a new fundraising campaign “Fresh Start for Philly Youth” with its partner Concrete to Show Jumping and Missy Clark of North Run to help raise money for its new facility in downtown Philadelphia. PURA was founded to preserve the life, legacy, and culture of Black urban cowboys in the city of Philadelphia, and this new facility will provide a space unlike any other for children, teens and adults to experience horses up close and personal. It was established by the producers and directors of the recent Concrete Cowboy movie, starring Idris Elba, to be aired on Netflix late spring of 2021.
PURA’s executive director Erin Brown joined forces with North Run’s Missy Clark in June of 2020 to create Concrete to Show Jumping. With a mission to open doors to diversified worlds within the horse industry, Concrete to Show Jumping aims to open the eyes, minds and hearts of equestrians by participating in new experiences, forming new alliances and building friendships with equestrians from diversified backgrounds. The “Fresh Start for Philly Youth'' fundraiser is the first project that the two organizations have launched together, in order to raise money for PURA’s new long term facility. This home will provide a stabeling for 20-25 horses, paddocks, an indoor and an outdoor arena, as well as recreational space for other youth and veteran programs. With the help of the entire equestrian community, PURA and Concrete to Showjumping believe that this goal is attainable. Every dollar raised will be put towards the facility and the horses and students that will call it home. Each pledge towards the new facility and “Fresh Start for Philly Youth” of $50 or more will “Adopt A Horse” that is part of PURA’s program. Donors will receive a quarterly letter about their horse and its new home from one of the students that are part of the PURA program. Donations of $100 help adopt a horse and will receive a “Concrete to Show Jumping” gaiter or socks of your choice from Dreamers and Schemers. For $500 or more you adopt a horse and will have a bridle or saddle rack hung in your name at the new PURA facility.
“If your child wants to learn how to ride but you can’t afford it, there will be a program for that,” explained Brown. “There will be recreational programs for those that just want to be around horses. This new facility will provide a safe environment for everyone in the community to be able to enjoy.” Clark concluded, “Horses are something that touched all of our lives in such a special way. It’s important to continue that legacy and bring it to people who would not otherwise have the access to horses in their community.” PURA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, all donations are tax deductible. Corporate sponsors are also encouraged to donate, with naming rights to the rings, paddocks, stalls and lounge are available. Concrete to Show Jumping aims to open the eyes, minds and hearts of more people by participating in new experiences, forming new alliances and building friendships with equestrians from diversified backgrounds. For more information or to be a part of Fresh Start for Philly Youth please visit thepura.org or donate here.